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HetNet deployments driving job growth – Inside Telecom Career: Episode 3

inside telecom careers

HetNet deployments will drive job growth and potential costs associated with union construction crews certified to work in utility right-of-ways and on pole tops

According to Don Bach, vice president of operations and engineering for Nokia-owned SAC Wireless, 30% to 40% of future mobile operator capital expenditures will be allocated to HetNet deployments, which include both DAS and small cell networks. Of these expenditures, up to 60% will be spent on HetNet fronthaul fiber and microwave site development and prep work.

The shift from macro site construction and operations to small cell networks where remote radio units (RRU) are  separated from the baseband units (BBU), is driving demand for outside plant (OSP) engineers, project managers, RF engineers and a new breed of site acquisition specialists familiar with national, regional and local municipal electrical safety regulations.  In addition to increased workforce demands , the mobile industry will be challenged by the construction cost associated with building networks typically constructed by union electrical companies certified by the utility companies to install underground fiber in confined spaces or on pole tops.

In this weeks episode of Inside Telecom Careers host Jeff Mucci is joined by Patti Ringo, director of telecommunications for Davey Resource Group, a division of Davey Tree Company and Bach of Nokia’s SAC Wireless.

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“Traditional macro site site acquisition specialist are not ready for the demands associated with negotiating pole top and right of way agreements with utility companies. Said Patti Ringo, Davey Resource Group. “Person must be familiar with local, regional and national electrical safety codes”.

Ringo also mentioned that the macro site acquisition process is more transparent than a small cell network deployment process because small cell agreements typically bypass the planning and zoning process by going straight to the municipality or utility company public works department.  In California; however, most of the cities are requiring that all negotiations include the community planning and zoning departments. Increasingly, this trend is becoming widespread nationally.  In the midwest, for example, the key to successful right of way negotiations is to include the community.

SAC Wireless has responded to the increased complexity of designing and deploying HetNet networks by creating the “ SAC Engine Room”, which they claim will reduce network deployment by up to 50% and cost by up to 25%.  SAC Engine Room team members include:

Davey Resource Group, on the other hand, claims that they can streamline the site acquisition process for the carriers by leveraging Davey Tree Company’s 100 year history of working with utility companies.

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