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RIM launches Java development for BlackBerry

SAN FRANCISCO-Research In Motion has introduced a development environment for Java 2 Micro Edition to allow all developers to integrate BlackBerry e-mail and personal information applications. This announcement makes the Blackberry platform open for push-based, wireless connectivity.

“The BlackBerry platform has been designed to support multiple devices, multiple networks and multiple applications while maintaining a common infrastructure and security architecture on the back-end,” remarked Mike Lazardis, president and co-chief executive officer at RIM.

The key elements of the open platform include BlackBerry enterprise server, BlackBerry Mobile Data service, BlackBerry Connect, Multi-Network Support, J2ME, BlackBerry Development Environment and BlackBerry Alliance Programs.

“In addition to support for Sun’s Java APIs, our BlackBerry handhelds and development tools now provide powerful extensions that allow developers to leverage the secure BlackBerry connectivity features and services for application development and deployment,” said David Yach, vice president of software at RIM, explaining the significance.

“For example, consider the added impact of a CRM application that can integrate directly with the wireless calendar application on a BlackBerry handheld or a field service application that integrates with the BlackBerry e-mail application.”