Since before she was born, I have wondered what I want my daughter to be when she grows up.

After dismissing college professor (too snooty), doctor (too time-consuming), and president (and this was before Bill Clinton’s alleged whatever with whomever), I had finally settled on RF engineer, or at least a graduate of some kind of engineering program.

It seems to me that engineers have decent pay, job security, the flexibility to move to other areas of company outside of engineering, like marketing or management, and are intelligent. But now it occurs to me that even though engineering jobs are always in demand, I would hate to have her move around so much as wireless companies gear up for buildout and then gear down for the operational phases of their business.

So I’m on to looking at new careers for her (a pushy mother can never start steering her child too soon). While I haven’t settled on which way to push yet, some positions I have dismissed:

AT&T executive. Didn’t this company just cut 10,000+ workers a few years ago? Now, another 18,000 employees are being let go. I don’t know whether it would be worse to be cut or have to stay and do everybody else’s job along with your own.

FCC employee. It’s bad enough to read some of the comments that come out of the FCC, let alone, to have to write them. Plus the usual, do-the-work,-don’t-get-the-credit,-not-appreciated routine.

C-block license holder. These guys can’t buy a break.

Wireless PR expert. Who wants to set up all those CTIA meetings?

Help! I need ideas! I am thinking a legal degree specializing in telecommunications would surely keep her nicely employed-lawyers will still be ironing out details of the Universal Service Fund rules and the Telecom Act of ’96 when she graduates from law school in 2020.

…Check out the RCR wireless stock index. It’s climbing!