
I must take very strong exception to the comments in the April 15, 1996 issue of RCR under the heading D.C. Notes by Jeffrey Silva.

These comments are obviously the personal political agenda of Mr. Silva and have very little place in your respected publication. They are also in my opinion incorrect. He has made comments, as have several national television news commentators, that indicate that the leaders of the Republican party have shown little or no compassion for the untimely death of Mr. Ron Brown. This is quite simply not true and at least one major network has issued an apology for having made those erroneous and misleading statements.

Furthermore, what Mr. Silva mistakenly refers to as heart by Mr. Clinton really is just another example of the callous use of any situation by Mr. Clinton to his political advantage. Even the news media recognized that Mr. Clinton was milking the situation for any political advantage, so perhaps in this case Mr. Silva was correct in his assessment of Mr. Clinton’s political instincts. In any event one has only to view the videotape of Mr. Clinton laughing and joking at Mr. Brown’s funeral until Mr. Clinton spotted a camera and then he became instantly somber and tearful.

Mr. Silva may call that heart but I would characterize it as all political posturing and exactly what one should expect out of a lifetime politician who has no regard for anything except how it will make him appear to the voters.

It really is a shame that your publication, which should be informative in the D.C. Notes column, is wasted on the biased political rambling of Mr. Silva.

Robert K. Wallace

Wallace Communications Company, Xenia, Ohio


This note in regard to Jeffrey Silva’s D.C. Notes dated April 15, 1996. Does your publication really want to be a forum for political tripe or are you going to publish information useful to the industry?

Mr. Silva’s political views have no place in a periodical like RCR. Your readers are besieged with salvos of bipartisan criticism every day, in every newscast and newspaper in the country. Not only were Mr. Silva’s comments annoying they were plagiarized, as similar commentary made tabloid mass-media days beforehand. Mr. Silva believes the country will re-elect Mr. Clinton based on his performance at Ron Brown’s funeral (and what a show!), as opposed to looking at the facts of the President’s track record in foreign and domestic policy issues. I surely hope not!

Anyway, if the editors of RCR see it fit to persist in this kind of OP-ED I will stick to the Wall Street Journal and cancel my subscription.

Bob Fowler

Editor’s Note:

We would like to stress that the D.C. Notes and Viewpoint features are editorial columns and therefore forums for opinion. The views expressed in these columns are the views of the individual author and not necessarily the views of RCR Publications.

RCR welcomes letters to the editor responding to articles and commentary presented in the newspaper or stating opinions on other topics relevant to the industry.

Letters must be signed by the author. RCR reserves the right to edit letters for style and space. Letters can be mailed to the company at 777 E. Speer Blvd., Denver, CO 80203, sent by fax to (303) 733-9941, or sent by e-mail to [email protected].