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Kagan: Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon discusses next-gen automotive

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Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon presents at the company's Snapdragon Tech Summit.

The world-wide automobile industry has been going through wave after wave of change in recent decades. Now, they are transforming the cars we drive into digital, high-tech devices that look and act like computers or smartphones. Take a closer look at the newest generation of automotive technology and you will see computer power, digital screens and wireless connectivity in the dashboards of an increasing number of automobiles.

Chips are the center of this universe of change. Carmakers are now partnering with semiconductor and chipmakers like Qualcomm, Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, Intel, Cisco and more.

This next generation of growth and transformation is changing the automobile industry. This will also impact many other industries as they morph into their next generation.

In fact, this represents a huge growth opportunity for many other industries over the next decade, as well as semiconductor and chipmakers, wireless smartphone makers and wireless networks as well.

Qualcomm, Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, Intel, Cisco help auto industry

This new growth opportunity will only accelerate and expand over the next decade.

The front seats of today’s cars are looking more like the cockpit of a next generation jet airplane.

I think this explosion of interest finally shows how the automobile industry has finally awaken to the huge growth opportunity these technologies can bring to the industry.

Automated driving and self-driving cars are the entry point to this next generation of automobile.

Example: with each Qualcomm update the acceleration of new technology and chips is getting stronger.

Qualcomm is in the chip business, and they are a key supplier to an increasing number of companies in an increasing number of industries.

In fact, much of this new technology let’s automakers let the dashboard operate like the iPhone and Android smartphones we are all so familiar with.

We all know how top of the line carmakers like Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, BMW and others use this new technology. Increasingly, the middle of the road automakers are also jumping onboard.

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Companies like Honda, Volvo and more have signed up with Qualcomm to make sure they don’t get left behind.

This is what I expect to increasingly happen as we move forward.

During the last decade, top of the line carmakers was first to the table. They took the first-mover advantage.

Now, every other carmaker is starting to jump onboard as well, so they don’t get left behind as the automobile industry takes this next big step into the future.

Auto industry quickly moving to 5G wireless, semiconductor, chips

In his CES presentation, Cristiano Amon, the CEO of Qualcomm discussed the rapidly changing and expanding marketplace. How Qualcomm is expanding the world they do business in to be a crucial player in this new and much larger world.

Elon Musk and Tesla were one of the first carmakers to embrace this new technology. They were a leader in the space. However, one by one, every other carmaker is joining them.

This is the case of leaders and followers. Leaders jump in first and take the initial advantage until all competitors find it necessary to jump in for competitive reasons.

Renault has started using Qualcomm third-generation Snapdragon Cockpit Infotainment Chips.

GM says it will start using Qualcomm self-driving chips in its new Cadillac automobiles.

That is a signal to every other semiconductor and chipmaker company, investor and partner that this fast-changing world is only accelerating.

New growth opportunities are there for those who can see this changing global marketplace. That’s good news for every company in the chip, smartphone, wireless network space.

This is also good news for those who know how to take advantage of this new, large and growing global opportunity in the automotive industry and in fact every other industry as well.

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