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Wireless business models need to change with IoT, 5G

business models wireless technology forum

The Atlanta-based Wireless Technology Forum hosted an annual analyst event; the topic this year was the state of the wireless industry with an emphasis on how business models will need to evolve to support innovative new technologies like the “Internet of Things” and “5G.”

RCR Wireless News Managing Editor Sean Kinney moderated the panel, which included longtime telecom and wireless analyst Jeff Kagan; Jorge Fuenzalida, VP & GM of Incode Consulting; and Perry Walter, managing director at HDH Advisors.



Fuenzalida previewed some of Incode’s top 10 predictions for 2016, including the upcoming 600 MHz incentive auction not drawing much attention; “consolidation is back,” in that cable and telecom companies are converging; and mobile video as marriage of content, discovery and supply/demand.

Walter said: “I like to boil things down to two basic philosophies: one is pain, the second is passion. If you can eliminate a pain, you solve a problem. If you have something customers are passionate about, they’re willing to pay for it.”

Wireless pains include bottleneck to the cell tower, data center backhaul and high-traffic venues like stadiums. “One of the key themes there is a lot of small cell and DAS and companies that are taking on that challenge,” Walter said. “The Internet of Things is all a part of that.”

Kagan discussed the wave of change crashing over the wireless industry. Wireless “is transforming” everything, he said, noting connected car, the Internet of Things, television and other emerging mobile-focused technologies.

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