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Small group will drive mobile TV services, says Parks

DALLAS-The early market for video content and live TV services on mobile platforms will be driven by a small but dedicated group of users, according to a new report from Parks Associates. Parks said the majority of these consumers belong to a consumer segment dubbed “mobile aficionados,” which include more than 40 million Internet users.

The study, “Mobile Entertainment Platforms and Services,” found 13 percent of users who own one or more portable devices are interested in having live TV capabilities integrated into those devices. Twelve percent of the 2,000 survey respondents said the ability to watch videos such as movie trailers and full-length movies is important.

“The percentages of consumers interested in mobile video/TV services are smaller than those for other functions such as taking photos and listening to music,” said Yuanzhe Cai, senior analyst at Parks Associates. “But there is a group of hardcore mobile entertainment enthusiasts who are very motivated-either they have already adopted a portable device with video playback functions or are very eager to add live TV support to their mobile devices.”