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Analyst Angle: Cellular and Wi-Fi connectivity in subways

subway wi-fi cellular

Anyone who has traveled in a subway train has had the frustrating experience of losing their cellular and Wi-Fi connection. As the number of urban dwellers continues to rise along with the number of subway passengers, there is a need to fulfill the traveler’s expectation of seamless connectivity.

That’s one of the conclusions made by the Internet Connectivity in Underground Rail Systems global survey conducted by Advanced Public Transport. Quite simply, connectivity is a lifestyle issue.

The number of subway systems across the world is rising rapidly, with more than 45 new systems put into service since 2000. As of 2014, there were 148 cities around the world with subway systems, adding up to a total of 6,835 miles and 9,000 stations distributed throughout 540 lines. More than 150 million passengers travel in subways every day. That amounts to 45 billion trips per year.

The expansion of systems is only part of the story. The other significant change is the business culture of the transport sector. Increasingly, service providers are focusing on the complete passenger experience and looking for new ways to improve comfort and convenience. With the underlying goal of attracting more users, providers are seeking to meet the expectation of an uninterrupted and fast broadband connection wherever they are in a station or on a train.

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Connectivity in stations

Connectivity in trains

Wi-Fi connectivity

Business model and telecom providers

The future of subway connectivity

Having access to Internet connectivity while using the subway has become a key lifestyle factor when assessing the quality of life in cities. One thing is for sure, based on the survey results, the effort to expand broadband connectivity in subway stations and trains will continue in the coming years.

Adlane Fellah, is managing director of WiFi360. Prior to founding the company, the only content marketing agency serving the Wi-Fi industry, Fellah was the founder of Maravedis, a leading analyst firm in the broadband wireless industry. He has authored various landmark reports on LTE, 4G, WiMAX, broadband wireless and voice over IP. He is regularly asked to speak at leading wireless events and to contribute to various influential portals and magazines such as Telephony Magazine, 4G & WiMAX Trends, Fierce Wireless and, to name a few. Fellah has been a member of the program advisory board for the 4G World conference since 2004 and an active member of the World Communications Association International and the European Broadband Wireless Association. Prior to founding Maravedis, Fellah held various positions at Harris Corp. in charge of market intelligence and business development. Fellah is passionate about best practices of marketing and technology.

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