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Martin appoints staff, leaves out wireless

WASHINGTON-Kevin Martin made his first staff appointments at his first meeting as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, but did not name someone to head the agency’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

Former WTB Chief John Muleta left with former FCC Chairman Michael Powell. Catherine Seidel, deputy bureau chief, has been acting wireless bureau chief.

“I hope to make the rest of the appointments in the next few weeks,” Martin told reporters following the FCC meeting.

Martin named Daniel Gonzalez chief of staff. Gonzalez has served as Martin’s senior wireline legal adviser since February 2002 and helped shepherd Martin’s win over Powell in the contentious triennial review proceeding. Another official on Martin’s side during the TRO battle, Tom Navin, will lead the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau. Martin quickly deposed former WCB Chief Jeffrey Carlisle, a close ally of Powell, when he became chairman. Michelle Carey, former WCB deputy bureau chief, will join Martin’s personal staff as wireline legal adviser.

Another Martin loyalist, Monica Desai, was named chief of the FCC’s Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau. Kris Montieth, former CGB deputy bureau chief, got the nod for the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau.

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Before joining Martin’s staff, Gonzalez was vice president of external and regulatory affairs for XO Communications Inc. He received his law degree the Hofstra University School of Law and his bachelor of arts degree from the State University of New York.

Navin was the executive editor of the Virginia Journal of International Law and received his law degree from the University of Virginia. He graduated with a bachelor’s of science degree from Wake Forest University.

Carey clerked for Judge Hart T. Mankin of the U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals after receiving her bachelor of arts magna cum laude and law degrees from Georgetown University.

Desai got her law degree from Georgetown University and received her bachelor of business administration in finance magna cum laude from George Washington University.

Montieth received her law degree from George Washington University and her bachelor of arts degree from the University of Colorado.

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